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Friday, September 24, 2010

Nuclear Power Marketing

Here is a question that I asked Dr. Gary North:

As a registered, professional engineer, I am unabashedly pro-commercial nuclear power and I don't understand why most Americans are dead set against it. Do you know why? Is this some response Americans have learned from Jane Fonda?

Dr. North's response:

It is mainly because engineers are mutes. They do not try to persuade laymen of anything. They have remained silent for 40 years, as the anti-nukes have told their story. It's like global warming. The scientists who know better are silent. In both issues, Arthur Robinson (and Petr Beckmann before him, ed.) has taken the lead in Access to Energy. But one man with a small-circulation newsletter cannot reverse the trend.

Power companies are monopolies. Their managers are fearful of public debate. They just go with the flow. The flow is anti-nuclear.

If energy companies had any sense, they would create a website that handles these topics at 5 levels: YouTube demonstration ("Mr. Wizard"), newspaper article style, Atlantic Monthly style, Scientific American style, and Ph.D in nuclear physics style. All those brains. So little salesmanship.

So, this blog is my small attempt to give engineers a voice and reverse this anti-nuclear trend.

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