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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

My daughter send this to me and it made me laugh:

Of course, it's the juxtaposition of dictators and mass muderers being full of love that strikes the funny bone.

Monday, February 11, 2013

We've been lied to!!!!!!!!!

What do you call 20,000 metric tons of metallic elements that can produce enough primary energy to meet the needs of the US for nearly a century?  That energy is also worth trillions and trillions of dollars! (A trillion is 1 followed by 12 zeros)

The NRC, Greenpeace, most environmentalists, most Americans and coal, oil and utility execs call it "nuclear WASTE".

How interesting!  Stuff that can be converted into energy and profitably sold is called waste.

My fellow Americans, (all you that believe in nuclear WASTE), please send me all of your gold and silver and platinum jewelry and diamonds too.  It is waste and should be strictly regulated, lest it get into dangerous hands and be used for nefarious purposes! Send your waste to me now!  I will store the stuff for you (in my bank vault)!