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Monday, April 30, 2012

Work Bench

I built this awesome workbench from plans I found on the internet.  I modified the size for my needs.  It was a great project and I heartily recommend it.



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

It's been over a year since an earthquake and tsunami devastated Northern Japan and killed 20,000 people.  However, you would never know it, considering the sensationalist coverage of the reactors and radiation at Fukushima, which have killed exactly no one.

Two excellent articles that describe this perverse phenomenon, here and here.

We, the believers in nuclear power, need to help others to overcome their fear of all things nuclear.  Unless we do, what future does nuclear have?  I don't have any idea how to do this, but I am willing to try.  Perhaps a good first step is to clearly identify those companies and organizations that obscenely profit from coal and oil and use their resources to fear monger against nuclear power?