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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Like all of you, I have been watching the price of gas go up quite markedly in the last few weeks.  I just filled up for $3.159 per gallon for regular.  Before the Jasmine revolution, I was paying about $2.65 per gallon.

The price increase was almost worth seeing Mubarak flee Egypt.  Of course, nothing has changed.  The military is still in charge.  Only time will tell if any measurable improvement for the people ever coalesces.  The Gaza Strip will be interesting to watch also, but that is a topic for another blog.

"Very long term energy supply resources that can supply all of the world energy needs for as long as our planet as been estimated to provide a habitat for humans and other species (about 3 billion years) are available from both nuclear breeder or fusion reactors."  

That is a quote from S. S. Penner of UCSD.  (paper and video) Please read it again.  Yes, 3 billion years.  Is that long enough for you?  It is for me.  Let me emphasize it again - all of the energy we need for 3 billion years; 3,000,000,000 years!

Isn't it amazing that political tremors in Africa and the Mideast send the price of gas soaring 50 cents a gallon in a few weeks, yet this respected scientist tells us there is enough uranium and thorium to provide all of humanity with energy (at Western standards) for 3,000,000,000 years. What gives?

I have to conclude, after observing nuclear politics for the last 30 years, that our present condition lavishly benefits those who run it.  It does not much benefit many others.  Billions of people do without electricity or energy of any kind except for burning wood/dung.

I want to change all that.  LFTRs could change all of that and tap into that most unused of natural resources, thorium.  However, I believe that LFTRs suffer from the same aliment currently aflicting us in regards to petroleum.  LFTRs are dependent on the NRC and the DOE for development funds, licensing permits, nuclear materials, etc. and capital that mostly does the bidding of the blue bloods.

That is why I have developed the specifications for the "Gamechanger", a washing machine sized device that produces energy on a personal level:

2 kilowatts, minimum, 10 kw or more, preferably in the form of electric power and/or heat
washing machine size and weight, or smaller
can be placed inside the house or outside
doesn't make noise or smells
no exhaust 
easily transportable
can be used in a car/vehicle
no fuel costs
can cool living spaces
zero maintenance
works continuously
purchase price ~$2,000 initially and then ever cheaper (a payback time of under 3 years considering that electricity retails for around 10 cents/kwh in the US)

I don't much care if the "Gamechanger" works on the principles of:
cold fusion
zero point energy
free energy
large hadron collisions
magnetic motors
dilithium crystals
tree nuts
cosmic unity
or whatever!

I would simply like to see all of humanity enjoy the benefits of abundant, clean, and cheap energy!

Tremble all you Malthusians!

1 comment:

  1. Until those who dwell on earth are peace loving it will surprise me if it can handle gamechangers. G'pa
