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Friday, April 3, 2009

Stupid criminals

A recent search for “stupid criminals” on Google yielded 1.75 million hits. Americans really seem to love the proverbial stories of idiots whose shoe size is larger than their IQ. Here is a typical one: “An employee of the Lucky Buffet noticed a strange sight on arriving at the restaurant. There were legs hanging out of a vent over the grill! 45-year-old Billy Jordan had tried to enter the restaurant the night before by climbing through the ductwork, but became stuck and stayed there for ten hours. Hillsborough County Fire Rescue workers used a rope to pull Jordan back out through the roof, after which he was arrested for burglary.”

Maybe we like these stories so much because they make us feel smarter. Well, duh, they make crayfish feel smarter! But what about smart criminals? Do we every hear about them? Another Google search for “smart criminals” produced 13.3 millions hits but the first 2 pages of hits weren’t really about smart criminals, but simply more stories about criminals who did dumb things and eventually were apprehended.

I submit that there are really smart criminals and lots of them out there. They are so astute that the crimes they commit are not even crimes, but necessary features of society. I have in mind the banksters of the federal reserve.

For example, having Tim Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury is like having convicted sex offenders running the national rape crisis hotline. These banksters have stolen trillions(!) of dollars for the benefit of themselves and their friends and it isn’t even a crime, but a necessary part of “getting the economy working again” and “providing liquidity to help the economy”. Murray Rothbard has written lucidly and extensively about this gang of criminals. His writings and many other explanatory articles can be found at

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