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Friday, April 3, 2009

Feddle Gummint

A good friend and colleague got the pink slip on Tuesday. He was very surprised, but seems to be coming to terms with it. He did get paid for 2 weeks plus a relatively (these days) generous severance package. There in lies the rub. Here is what he said, “Would you believe that they're going to take out 38 percent for taxes! (25% federal, 5% state, and 8% FICA.) Where's the stimulus?”

This has always amazed and angered me. The rotten IRS makes companies withhold at a higher rate on final checks, such as a severance check. Talk about kicking a guy when he is down! Why isn’t the regular rate of withholding enough? Or how about letting those who lose their jobs have their severance without having to pay any income tax? How would that be? Couldn’t Obama sign an executive order instructing the IRS to go easy on those who lose their jobs? How hard could that be? Bush signed executive orders creating Gitmo, denying American citizens their rights, and setting up secret torture prisons around the world. Obama has ordered attacks on Pakistan by unmanned Predator aircraft and struck down a rule that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion or provide counseling or referrals about abortion services. Tax money for foreign abortions yes; some slack for the long suffering American taxpayers, no way!

AIG gets $170 billion in bailout money that still has not saved the company, but Joe Sixpack gets screwed out of his severance. My friend won’t get that extra withholding back until he files his tax returns a year from now, if ever. That’s criminal!! Government by the banksters, of the banksters, and for the banksters!! So help us God!

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