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Friday, August 10, 2012

Fart Equivalent Dose

The linear no threshold (LNT) hypothesis of dose/response for ionizing radiation is ridiculous.  LNT has led the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to implement ALARA, As Low As Reasonably Achievable for the control of nuclear material and nuclear power plants.

Problem is the NRC is not reasonable and LNT is ridiculously wrong and ridiculous things should be ridiculed. ALARA and LNT have been used by the enemies of clean, abundant, safe, limitless nuclear power to paralyze the industry through the federal courts.
(Aside: When I say clean, I mean cleaner than any alternative.  Please see my previous blog about Petr Beckman's book, The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear.)

So, here is my proposal - the Fart Equivalent Dose (FED).  Farts are made mostly of methane, which contains the element carbon, some of which is radioactive.  Methane is also toxic, breathing it in high enough concentrations is fatal.  Thus, next time the NRC or some media outlet tells us that some radioactive tritium was discovered in some well on some nuclear plant site (that no one drinks from), we can calculate the FED and share that number through all social media - how many farts are equivalent to the miniscule amount of tritium discovered somewhere.  Tweet the number of farts, put it on FB, blog about it, spread the ridicule far and wide.  Give the radiophobes something to fear!

Oh, BTW, I need some help to figure out just how to calculate the Fart Equivalent Dose.  Can anyone out there give me a hand?

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