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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Utopia the 13th part 13

Just like a sequel to a bad B movie, tonight was the "hearing" on pouring yet more money into the misnamed Utopia project in Brigham City. The "for" and "against" groups had only 10 minutes each to have a few people represent their entire group by addressing the mayor and council. The place was also packed on both floors and in the lobby.

I had prepared a speech, but I only had time to read the last four points I wanted to make. Here is what I read.

1. This is a lame duck council and mayor. I believe that it is inappropriate for them to vote on this issue. The vote can wait for the new mayor and city council to be seated.
2. If more money is committed against my wishes, what guarantee do we have that the money won’t just go into a black hole. Any funds should be held in escrow and not released until actual completion milestones are verified. This also should have been done from day one.
3. ATK just announced today 800 more layoffs. I don’t need to remind everybody that they are one of the biggest employers in the state and this will affect Brigham City at the exact time that your previous Utopia obligations are coming due.
4. If there is one thing that should come of this experience it should be that 5 people, the mayor and council, should never have had the authority to issue bonds without a referendum of the voters. Imagine 5 people having the legal authority to commit 17,000 to pay for a project called Utopia. George Orwell should have named his novel 2009.

In the end, it was a done deal. The mayor and all the council members except for Ruth Jensen voted for the further indebtedness to pay for the "Special Assessment Bonds for the Purpose of Financing the Cost of Acquiring and Constructing Improvements and Facilities for the Purpose of Connecting Properties to the UTOPIA Fiber Optic Telecommunications Network". Council member Scott Ericson was absent, but Mayor Christensen read his statement, which led me to believe that he would have voted in favor also.

Ruth Jensen was the only dissenting voice and asked that the bond be postponed for a real public hearing and to allow people to rescind or reverse their desire to sign up for a $3,000 connection fee, which will become a 20 year lien on their property at $25 per month. That sure seemed reasonable to me.

At an intermission, I shook hands with Mayor-Elect Dennis Fife. He thanked me for my comments and I wished him good luck, since he will be inheriting these financial time bombs when he takes office next month.

I also got to speak with Royce from the Utah Taxpayers Association. I sat next to him during the "for" comments. I had so many sarcastic zingers that I thought of and wanted to share with him, but didn't think that would gain me any points with others sitting around me.

I will share one zinger. Reese Jensen said that he fully supported Utopia and that it had cost him the election, but 80% of callers in the last week had indicated to him their support. I guess those 80% were sick on election day!

The meeting gave me the chance once again to see the beast of representative democracy up close and personal. Reese Jensen explained how he was doing this because he felt an obligation to Utopia's sister cities and that it was also in Brigham City's best interest even though the voters roundly defeated his mayoral candidacy more that 2 to 1 in favor of Mayor-elect Fife this past November. So, Reese represents the voters of Brigham City, but they don't know what is best for the city, while he feels an obligation to the other Utopia cities. This is a complete inversion of logic!

One last irony. It brought great satisfaction to my soul to see the snake oil salesmen from Utopia on their wireless devices!!!! They're bilking hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers by exaggerating the ecstasies of fiber-to-the-home while texting their colleague across the room!

Final Score:
FOR: Mayor Lou Ann Christensen
Bruce Christensen
Reese Jensen
Bob Marabella
Scott Ericson (absent but his written comments were in favor of the bond)

Ruth Jensen

PS. I posted this over copper wire on a 1.5 Mbit DSL connection. Neener-Neener. Who's your daddy, mayor and council?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, UTOPIA sounds like a "shovel (of crap) ready" project. Can't they just get some Obama money?
