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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gun Control and Minimum Wage

Is it just me or is there someone else who thinks that the Obama's (or Hillary's or Pelosi's or Sander's - [yes, they are all democrats] but my comment applies to any party) blathering about gun control and minimum wage is just hypocrisy.

POTUS commands a nuclear arsenal and exports billions of dollars worth of weapons every year that have overthrown countries and destabilized wide swaths of the earth, not to mention untold deaths and millions of refugees. Yet, his highness lectures the American public about gun violence?! Obama, how about you disarm first?

Some of us are against all violence, whether committed by individuals OR governments.

Next, we hear of the constant inability of folks earning minimum wage to be able to raise a family. (I don't doubt this.) Thus, the meddling class concludes, someone should pay those workers more money. The "they" are business owners who should pay more under threat of violence from government. No mention of the hideously regressive social security taxes already paid by the business owners and minimum wage employees, who will never receive a dime from the already bankrupt SS administration.

So, when the politicians cry crocodile tears for the working underclass, just remember that they want someone else to pay for their charity while collecting billions from those same underclass employees to keep their best voters happy (seniors).

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