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Monday, September 19, 2016

Washing the Superball

"Washing the Superball" is a phrase that means you are chasing a red herring (or a wild goose), but it has specific application to scientific or engineering endeavors. In other words, someone is pursuing a cause for a particular phenomenon, but are completely wrong about it. Be patient and I will give you a full rexplanation.

I just coined the phrase and here I record it for posterity.

This is the genesis of the term: When I was 8 years old, I had a florescent bouncy ball - a superball - as we called them. If you threw it at the ground as hard as you could, it seemed like it would rebound 100 feet in the air. And it glowed in the dark.

I shared an upstairs room with my brother, while my two sisters shared the other room at the end of the hall. In the middle of the hall there was a bathroom.  When the superball stopped glowing at night, we would take it to the bathroom and wash it. Viola! it would glow again. But as anyone but a child knows, it wasn't the washing that made it glow again, it was the light in the bathroom.

Thus, "washing the superball" means to do something that you think is causing a specific result, but you really are completely wrong about the reason.

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