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Monday, March 15, 2010

A Drunk and a Pervert

The Utah State Legislature lost (yes, I know that’s a big word) a senator and a representative this year. Both resigned; one because of a DUI arrest and one for sexual misconduct. (Google: Sheldon Killpack & Kevin Garn) I will spare you the salacious details, but in my mind, the whole session is called into question (and every session for that matter). Why is it that these sorts of folks make laws to tell the rest of us what to do? And why does society need 300 or so new laws every year?

The real answer is that society doesn’t need more laws every year. The real raison d'etre is simply a chance for drunks and perverts to take bribes to throw the levers of power in favor of the rich, powerful, and well connected. If you are currently a Representative or Senator, leave now before you are corrupted. Maybe your conscience is already seared and you can easily justify perks from lobbyists to mold legislation favorable to their clients. Remember, the spoils go to the winners. To deny this is to deny what is visible each and every day of the year.

There simply is no legitimacy in the annual smash and grab called the legislative session.

Least you think that I am cynical - I am really just an observer of human folly. How else do you explain, Eliot Spitzer, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, and these two losers? Lord Acton said that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lew Rockwell summarized it best when he said that government attracts bad people and corrupts them more. I rest my case.

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