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Sunday, February 21, 2016

An Open Letter to Potential Visiting Extraterrestrials

Dear Extraterrestrial Visitors,

As a sign of our friendliness here on earth, I wish to share a few things with you that you might find perplexing and confusing.  I'm sure that once I explain them, you will feel a lot more at ease knowing that some things just can't be explained and even we humans have to shrug our shoulders.

This is how I was going to start a post about Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, but I ran low on satire. It wasn't funny. It was grotesque.

Though I found little solace with satire, I found more in the fact that the unindicted war criminal, Henry Kissinger was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize way back in the 70's.

How could these apparatchiks of the Messianic state be awarded a prize that seems to mean the opposite of peace? 

Obama the commander and chief of drone attacks and the invader of countries and the over-thrower of regimes, a peaceful person?

The only rational conclusion is that the Nobel Peace prize is a messianic prize awarded to a statist messiah by other like minded statists.
 For the rest of us, we have to endure the grotesqueness of the whole thing.

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