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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Obamacare Oligopoly

Sometimes a writer comes along that is able to summarize an issue in a single sentence with such clarity that it dispenses with hours of talking heads. Gary North is one of those people.  Here is what he says about health care.

The biggest problem with healing today is that the health-care field is an oligopoly. The state controls patient access, prices, and practitioners' training. This either keeps prices higher than [they] need to be or else it leads to rationing by standing in line. Sometimes, it does both: the rich buy services outside of the subsidized system, paying more, while the less rich line up inside the system.

The "state" is the feddle gummint and the state governments.  They have systematically created the oligopoly over the last 100 years.  Each time they fix "it", the system gets worse for patients.

Obamacare is just another intervention into the healthcare market; albeit a major bad one.

Perhaps one day we might actually try the free market?

PS. The Rockefellers had a lot to do with the early "fixes" to healthcare, which is one of the reasons for my disdain for them.

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