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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers

We men need to stick together. We need to watch out for each other. This is the second time that I have addressed the topic of prostate cancer screening. Just say NO!

Let me set the stage by enumerating some fundamental truths:

1. You are mortal. That means that you will die one day

2. Make peace with your Maker now so you are ready when that day comes.

3. “Nearly every man will have carcinoma in situ by age eighty, and probably most in midlife” Nortin M. Hadler, M.D., Worried Sick, pg. 102

4. Very few men will die of prostate cancer

5. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) test is a poor test (many false positives and false negatives). So also, is the digital rectal exam.

6. A high PSA test will lead to a biopsy of the prostate. (Read here for a description of the process – not pleasant!)

7. If the biopsy comes back positive, the doctor will recommend prostate surgery.

8. “no one should think that (prostate) surgery will increase his time on this earth; it will only change the likelihood of the mode of demise” Nortin M. Hadler, M.D., Worried Sick, pg. 99

9. There is a good chance (15%) that you will be incontinent and impotent after the surgery.

10. Your life will suck

11. You will thank me later for telling you to avoid the entire screening modality

It is well worth your time to read the entire nine pages (on Amazon) of the “Beleaguered Prostate” chapter in Nortin Hadler’s book, Worried Sick.

Then, you will be armed with the facts regarding how much the medical industry has been marketing to you and not to your benefit.

You're welcome.

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