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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Baghdad Bob Traded to the Federales

I received this statement in the mail just the other day. You've probably received one also. It's from the Social Security Administration.

Problem is, I didn't know that Baghdad Bob had been traded to the SSA. You know who I'm talking about, the Pollyanna that worked for Saddam Hussein as a media stooge who would reassure his fellow citizens that all was well and the Americans were not invading, even as bombs were falling and distant rumblings of armored vehicles could be heard on the outskirts of Baghdad.

You will notice in the second column and second paragraph of the Social Security statement that it states, "In 2016 we will begin paying more in benefits than we collect in taxes."

Well, Bob doesn't read the New York Times. See this article. The title of the article is "Social Security to See Pay-out Exceed Pay-in This Year. The article was published on March 24 of this year, three months before Baghdad Bob sent me his "Statement".

Oh, and about the "trust" funds? Well, trust Baghdad Bob, those funds really are there earning interest. What's that you say? The Federales borrowed the money and promised to pay interest to Social Security. And dear reader, where will Obama get the money to pay interest on the money that was spent long ago? There are only 2 ways; print it or tax (at an ever increasing rate) a new generation of suckers.

Nothing to see here folks, now let's move along.

Baghdad Bob's Social Security Plan:

1. Send a big chunk of each paycheck to the name at the top of the list.
2. Add your name to the bottom of the list.
3. Upon retirement, you will receive thousands and thousands of dollars for the rest of your life!
4. Do Not break this chain, or bad things will happen to you.

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