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Monday, March 2, 2009

Stupid chain e-mail

Recently, a well meaning relative sent me a stupid e-mail. (Actually she sends a lot of them. No, it's not my Mom!) The subject of the e-mail made me so mad that I wrote the following response. After my response, I will include the text of the e-mail for your reading pleasure.

My response:

Let’s start with Truman and put to rest this colossally bad idea. He is the only person in history to order not one, but two nuclear attacks against civilians (that’s what Hiroshima and Nagasaki were/are – cities - civilization – civil - civilians). He was also complicit in the illegal, unconstitutional, immoral and extrajudicial detention and internment of innocent American citizens of Japanese descent. He was and remains an immoral midget and any argument that he did something and we should follow his example is morally bankrupt.

Secondly, I seriously doubt that the job demographics of undocumented aliens and Iraq and Afghanistan veterans overlaps to any significant extent.

Next, let’s leave aside the moral ramifications of this proposed deportation for a moment to discuss some of the other side effects.

The results would be rather predictable. The hideous violence necessary to repatriate these people – tearing them from their families, children, homes, communities, lives, jobs, businesses, etc., would bring down the governments of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and perhaps Wyoming, Idaho, New Jersey and New York. The government of Mexico would be overthrown if it did nothing to intervene and who knows but what the narcos would take complete control in the DF. The accelerated destruction of the Bill of Rights (even beyond Dubya and his gulag of torture) necessary in identifying these undocumented aliens could also lead to full blown civil war in the rest of the United States. Neighbors would become snitches, perhaps thinking they might get some of the possessions left behind by the deportees. Could pogroms be far behind?

And if the US somehow accomplished this deportation? What will it have achieved beyond the Hitleresque crimes themselves? Will the United States be prosperous and free again? Will the disturbed Iraq and Afghanistan veterans be employed in construction, landscaping, domestic help, and fast food industries? Or will they inhabit the homeless shelters like their colleagues still do from the Vietnam war?

What are you really trying to do by deporting 12 million people? What is the objective? To give jobs to returning veterans? A lot of them are going to need medical and psychiatric care for the rest of their lives – forget about jobs for these veterans. With luck, a large part of the rest of them will be able to integrate into peaceful society. If your objective is for these veterans to have jobs, try the following ideas that don’t involve violence. Eliminate capital gains tax, eliminate income taxes on new business (and old businesses, for that matter), slash the red tape involved with starting new businesses, don’t bailout another single bank, deregulate business, freeze the money supply, etc.

In short, let the money and the people be free from government manipulation! Entrepreneurs will then create jobs for returning veterans and everyone else besides and without violent revolutions at home and abroad.

This was the stupid e-mail:

This is something to think about. Consider the loss of jobs right now and` the cost to you, the tax payer. Then ask why would we keep them here illegally. The new president says he will bring home all the troops from the Middle East , where will they work, there are little jobs now?

The people that are in Washington , tell us they can not deport 12 million illegals! We` probably need to vote all of them out of office and send them back to school to learn history! We pay more to illegals in welfare than it would cost to deport them! Our career politicians need to work for the voters and the good of the United States of America , not the lobbyist and big business.

HOOVER , TRUMAN AND EISENHOWER Here is something that should be of great interest for you to pass around. I didn't know of this until it was pointed out to me. But, back during The Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work. Harry Truman deported over two million Illegal's after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans. And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 4 million Mexican nationals! The program was called 'Operation Wetback' so that American WWII and Korean veterans had a better chance at jobs. It took 2 Years, but they deported them! Now, if they could deport the illegals back then, they can sure do it today!!

If you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.
Reminder. Don't forget to pay your taxes... 12 million Illegal Aliens are depending on` you.


  1. That was really interesting and I would have to say that I agree with you.

  2. Please tell me you're not STILL getting these stupid emails from she who must not be named! I completely agree with you dad. The 'jobs' were there before the illegal aliens and they'll still be there after. Veterans WON’T work in fast food and all the other labor intensive as well as time consuming jobs these aliens are working.
