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Sunday, July 21, 2013


I recently took a trip to the Idaho National Lab to tour EBR-I, (Experimental Breeder Reactor I).  It was like a trip back into the lives of my grandparents, since the reactor was built in the early 50s.

This, of course, brings up questions of the failed promises of nuclear power.  Why didn't it live up to its promise to provide abundant, clean and cheap power for the planet.  I would like to discuss this more in a future post, but for now I will just share the pictures from the National Historic Site.  (Spoiler alert: The reasons are not technological, they are sociological and political.)

 Me standing on top of the reactor. All of the fuel was removed  long ago, but I am still alive after this.  The radiation didn't get me and no, the fuel wasn't removed 10,000 years ago, and yes I am making fun of the radiophobes.

Leftovers of the misguided attempt to make a nuclear powered airplane - technically cool but cold war stupid.

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