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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bee in My Bonnet

When you have an idea that just seems so delicious that you can't forget about it and you find yourself daydreaming about it you have a "bee in your bonnet".  Mine is nuclear energy.  Maybe it is an obsession?  Who knows?  But read this and think about buying a car with all the fuel it will every use included in the price ($8.50!!!! for the fuel) and more importantly, contained in the car itself! (I stole this in its entirety from "Energy from Thorium" FB page.  My apologies to Mr. Steinhaus.)

Bob Steinhaus NRC still permits garage tinkering and innovation in the fusion area including tolerating fusion reactor projects by talented high school senior fusion physicists like Taylor Wilson. It is possible to purchase high purity fusion fuels, like deuterium, on eBay.
(2 grams of 99.999% pure D2O heavy water for $8.50)

A question for the quantitatively inclined nuclear advocate -
Q: So how much energy could 2 grams (volume about 2 milli-liters) of D2O (heavy water) produce if fully consumed in a D-D fusion reactor?
A: 2 grams of D2O (heavy water), fully and efficiently consumed in a D-D fusion reactor would produce 4.6 x 10^5 MJ of energy. (D2O heavy water would need to be separated by electrolysis into [by molecule] two atoms of Deuterium + one atom of Oxygen - only the Deuterium is actually useful for fusion)
Fully burning a gallon of gasoline produces 136 MJ of energy.
Burning 2 grams of Deuterium, costing $8.50 on eBay, produces the same amount of energy as would be produced by efficiently burning 3,380 gallons of gasoline.

NRC's attitude regarding amateur access to fissile materials like U-233 or U-235 is markedly different than their attitude toward fusion fuel and if Taylor Wilson wants to innovate fission reactors, he will encounter much higher legal and regulatory obstacles.

Follow up question -
Q: If you had a Ford Fusion car that ran on Deuterium via the D-D fusion reaction instead of gasoline, and you poured all 2 grams of D2O purchased on eBay (for $8.50) into the Deuterium tank, how far could you drive, assuming the Deuterium in the heavy water was completely consumed?

A: Since 2 grams of D2O (heavy water) would produce 4.6 x 10^5 MJ of energy via D-D fusion
and that this amount of energy is equivalent to the energy produced by burning 3,380 gallons of gas
and that the average mileage of a Ford Fusion is 30 mpg
the Deuterium Ford Fusion automobile should be able to drive about 101,400 miles on 2 grams ($8.50 worth) of heavy water (which is about 4 times around the earth).

Note: 2 grams of Deuterium for $8.50 on eBay which is capable of producing the same amount of energy from D-D fusion as burning 3,800 gallons of gasoline could be a true energy bargain.
Disclosure - I have no financial interest whatsoever in the sale of Deuterium on eBay.

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