Hamid Karzai has earned my respect as one of the most honest politicians ever. When confronted with a
report in the New York Times that his chief of staff, Umar Daudzai was receiving bags of cash from Iran, he frankly admitted it.
"It is official and by my order"
"That was a big help and we submitted all the money to the central bank and we were paying for the daily expenses of the government," Karzai said. "After that, a number of other countries helped us in the same way."
It was used to "help the presidential office" and to "dispense assistance" to certain individuals.
"This is transparent. This is something that I’ve even discussed while I was at Camp David with President Bush"
"It is not hidden," he said. "We are grateful for the Iranians’ help in this regard. The United States is doing the same thing. They are providing cash to some of our offices."
Asked whether the U.S. actually gives bags full of cash to the presidential office, Karzai responded: "Yes, it does give bags of money."
A video of his press conference can be seen here. Karzai also said that "Iran knows it's business well", "it will go on", that it's a "relationship between neighbors", that he will "continue to ask for cash" and Iran "asked for lots of other things in return."
When I heard that, my jaw dropped to the floor. The truth is way more amazing than fiction. You couldn't make this stuff up!!!!!!!
CAN YOU IMAGINE Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Bush, Cheney or any of our other "leaders" admitting to such graft and corruption?

President Obama, "Yes, Michelle does receive expensive designer clothes from some neighbors in exchange for lots of other things. It is official and by my orders. I've talked to Congress about this and it is all above board. I will continue to ask for this and other gifts to help my government out. It will go on. It has been a big help in keeping Michelle happy here in the White House."