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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


ALARA and LNT are the twin nemeses of commercial nuclear power.  I have written about them before, but I want to share some additional thoughts.

ALARA is a misnomer, and a large one at that.  As low as reasonably achievable - a bureacronym that means in practice that the regulatory agency, in this case, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will use this innocuous sounding theory to add nearly unlimited cost to the nuclear industry.  Perhaps some, already in the nuclear industry welcome this, because it keeps out interlopers/competitors, but it also keeps 300 million Americans from enjoying the fruits of nuclear power.

What a thinking person needs to ask themselves is why, in a grand, universal way, should the regulatory goal be to reduce the exposure to radiation to below naturally occurring levels?  To do so is simply stupid, inefficient, and wasteful.  

Natural background radiation levels range from around 3.6 mSv/year to as much at 260 mSv/year in Ramsar, Iran.  Regulating the nuclear industry to achieve levels below this is not science.

BTW, it makes no difference to your cells whether the radiation is natural or man-made.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lazy Saturday Afternoon

What to do on a boring/lazy Saturday afternoon:

Hook your electric guitar up to your oscilloscope and play "Dust in the Wind" while you watch the scope.